Splitbill - Help

SplitBill (Code 4 Bills)

What is it?

It is a simple and easy to use service to manage all your shared transactions with your friends and family. All you need is a device which can send an email.

Ummm.. Ok! How does it work?

Get Transaction History

To get your last few transactions, send the mail as per the format below:

To: splitbill@example.com
Subject: Get


To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com
Subject: G

The first example will get all you past transactions while the second one will get only those past transactions which involve you and John both.

Remove Transaction

To remove or delete a particular transaction, send a mail with the transaction id as below

To: splitbill@example.com
Subject: Remove TransactionId


To: splitbill@example.com;
Subject: R TransactionId


Say, you have loaned 5K to your friend Johnathan (john@live.com) on 21st June. Here’s what you need to do. Send an email with the following details:

To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com

Subject: Loan 21/6 5000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>


To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com

Subject: L 5000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>


Next, say John has loaned you 5K on 14th November, i.e. you are in a debt.

To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com

Subject: Debt 14/11 5000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>


To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com

Subject: D 5000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>

Split Between all friends

Ok. Its not just John, we went to a party, I paid the bill and the bill needs to be split equally amongst all. So as per below, u will get 1000 each from John, George and Linda.

To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com;
       george@gmail.com; linda@yahoo.com

Subject: Split 21/6 4000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>


To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com;
       george@gmail.com; linda@yahoo.com

Subject: S 4000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>


Uneven Splits among Friends

We understand that some of you want some more power and want some advanced functionalities for splitting the bills. You may use the uneven split option.

Lets assume there was a bill between you, John, Linda and George. John and Linda paid 300 and 600 respectively.

a.      Having Guests/ ratios/ weightages

Assume George had two guests, so he needs to pay for 3 (2 guests and himself) people out of the 6 who attended. The format of the body of mail needs to be of the format: Name Contribution “:[Weightage]”

To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com;
       george@gmail.com; linda@yahoo.com

Subject: UnevenSplit 21/6 House Rent


John 300

Linda 600

George 0 :3


To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com;
       george@gmail.com; linda@yahoo.com

Subject: U House Rent


John 300

Linda 600 :1

George 0 :3

As per above; John, Linda and You will pay only their respective share i.e. 1/6 of the total amount.

b.       Having fixed shares

 Assume Linda and George announced earlier, that they will be able to share only 200 of the total bill. The format of the body of mail needs to be of the format: Name Contribution “[Fixed Share]”.
Also, you(Btw, you are joseph@gmail.com ) contributed 600 and John contributed 300 while paying the bill.

To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com;
       george@gmail.com; linda@yahoo.com

Subject: UnevenSplit 21/6 House Rent


John 300

Linda 0 200.0

George 0 200

Joseph 600


To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com;
       george@gmail.com; linda@yahoo.com

Subject: U House Rent


Joh 300

L 0 200

G 0 200.0
jos 600

As per above; John and You will share the remaining amount (900-400 = 500) in equal share, i.e. 250 each.  

Payments / Settlements

I owe John a lot of money. Need to settle amounts with him.

To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com

Subject: Pay 21/6 5000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>


To: splitbill@example.com; john@live.com

Subject: P 5000 House Rent

Body: <Anything>

Force Recalculate (Only for Admins)

Only mail ids registered as owners can send this command. This command forces SplitBill to go over all recorded transactions and recalculate, who owes whom how much. The system stores this information in a separate table for performance.

Under normal circumstances this command will never be required, but if any transaction is manipulated or deleted directly from database then the owes table can go out of sync.

To: splitbill@example.com;

Subject: ForceRecal

Body: <Anything>


To: splitbill@example.com;

Subject: F

Body: <Anything>

Test DB Data (Only for Admins)

Only mail ids registered as owners can send this command. This command will make SplitBill test all DB data for errors. Ideally that should not be needed, but if in case the DB crashes or anything then you can run this.

To : splitbill@example.com;

Subject : Test

Body : <Anything>


To : splitbill@example.com;

Subject : T

Body : <Anything>